Green River Formation, Eocene Epoch ~ 50mya.
Large specimen in perfect condition and with excellent detail. Could be framed and would make a great display
and conversation piece.
Specimen is 7cm x 13.5cm on a square slab that is 18cm x 21cm.
Item Code: pris1001 SOLD
Green River Formation, Eocene Epoch, ~50mya. This is a large display piece with two Knightia specimens that could be framed. First
one (picture"A") is 1 5/8" x 5 3/8" (4cm x 13.5cm) and the second (picture "B") is 1 3/8" x 4 1/8" (3.5cm
x 10.5cm). Both specimens are on a square slab that is 8 1/2" x 11 1/2" (22cm x 29cm).
Item Code: knig1001 $100.00

Both specimens |

Picture "A" |

Picture "B" |
Saccacoma Peetinata "Floating Crinoid"
This free floating Crinoid (Echinodermata) once
moved through the waters of a late Jurassic ocean ~160mya. Now it is a very unique and extremely rare specimen of
life long gone. Specimen is perfect and body
detail clear without magnification. From my
personal collection, this Crinoid is 1.38" across and on a slab that is 5.50" x 5.50". Crinoids of this species and quality are extremely rare and hard to find in such complete condition.
From the famous fossil beds of Solnhofen, Germany
where Archaeopteryx was first discovered.
Item Code: crin1002 $50.00
Saccacoma Peetinata "Floating Crinoid"
This free floating Crinoid (Echinodermata) once
moved through the waters of a late Jurassic ocean ~160mya. Now it is a very unique and extremely rare specimen of
life long gone. Specimen is perfect and body
detail clear without magnification. From my
personal collection, this Crinoid is 1.50" across and on a slab that is 5.25" x 5.25". Crinoids of this species and quality are extremely rare and hard to find in such complete condition.
From the famous fossil beds of Solnhofen, Germany
where Archaeopteryx was first discovered.
Item Code: crin1003 $55.00
Trilobite Replica

Trilobite replica is an ideal teaching aide and cost friendly addition to a novices paleontological
collection. Makes an eye catching interesting display piece on a shelf.
From Morocco 2.25" x 3"
Item Code: trilocast01 $ 10.00
P.O. Box 494988 Redding, CA. 96049
OF $150.00 OR MORE*
U.S.A. Only

Thank you for visiting, come back again soon.
All pictures on this web site are the property of Darwin Warriner aka Mineralman and
can not be used with out prior permission.
Contact me in writing if you wish to copy or use any pictures on this web site.