Hi Darwin:
Please accept my apologies for not letting
you know the package arrived swiftly and intact. I can't tel you how much we all are enjoying the selection you chose. The
students in Tuesday's workshop all said it was one of their favorite parts of the day. During the fluorescence lecture the
rocks were being traded around the room with great pleasure. It's things like that which make students enjoy learning and
remember what they have been taught as well. You've really helped us with your choices and your generosity.
Thanks again and very best wishes for
Christopher Guérin, Ph.D.
Leader, Microscopy Core
V.I.B., D.M.B.R.
Fiers-Schell-Van Montagu' building Technologiepark 927, B-9052 Ghent (Zwijnaarde)
- Belgium
Oh my God ! What a wonderful site it was last night when I turned the new shortwave lamp you
supplied us with on a pile of ( what I thought was low quality ) Fluorite and some Quartz with Black tourmoline. What
was scrap and decoritve rock in the garden is now in my speciem room glowing Red- calcite Blue-fluorite White- aragonite with
the Pala pieces showing Yellow, Orange, Pink and Peach ?? Thank you for you suggestion on getting the best light for my needs
and money.
Victor & Debbie G
Glendora, Ca
Dear Sir.
I purchased minilw 1001 uv flashlight on line and wanted to ask if the purchase was completed
correctly. If so, by what carrier do you send your merchandise and when may I expect it to arrive?
My grandson got one for Christmas that my son in law purchased from you and he really
had a ball checking out all his rocks in the house and the yard.
Ruth D.
Monroe, LA
Hi Darwin, Letting you know the order arrived today. The specimens are great! The Willemite
is especially radiant! They will make a wonderful gift. Best regards, Steve
Thanks for opening up your home and fabulous collection to me when I was out in
San Diego a while back.
I really appreciate the time and trouble it took for you to assemble it all.
Next time I want to see that old bottle of wine you were talking about!
Tell your bride thanks for the coffee and her wonderful company while I visited.
Tell the dogs to remember me for the next time I'm out there.
The specimens I bought make the trip to TX no problemo due to the excellent wrapping
you did on them and the UV lamp, too.
Many Thanks,
Tom S, Texas
Hello Dear Mr ! Your "desert wollastonite" , blended with calcite (item dv1016) came here today
. Very quick arrival : 6 days between USA and France . Professional packaging , good shape . The sample is very brilliant
, as advertised , it overwhelms my other fluo stones , so that I had to put it far away...As previous , I'm very happy ; probably
, I would come back later . Thanks so much . Pierre .
Excellent service, very pleased with the transaction.
Thank you, rocktrain
Darwin "Mineral Man";
I just want to thank you for the extra mineral sample
of Scheelite that you sent. It was perfect as I had wanted a piece of this for its blue fluorescense. The other
samples arrived in good order and are great. They arrived just in time for our Rock & Gem club meeting as I did
a 20 minute presentation on fluourescent minerals and rocks last night.
"Rocky Ray"
Just a brief
note to let you know that my fluorescent minerals arrived today.
I'm very pleased with them, and am amazed
how bright they are - even under a 13watt lamp.
Thank you for your prompt service.
I look forward to buying more minerals
from you in the future.
Matthew H
