I have hundreds of
fluorescent minerals available from famous and rare locations around the world. If you are looking for a particular specimen, E-mail
me and I will send you a list of those specimens available and a photo(s).
In addition to the
single specimens shown here, I will soon be offering beginner boxed mineral collections of Shortwave
Longwave collections are perfect for the novice collector and a great way
to learn about the world of fluorescent minerals.
Boxed Longwave UV Collection now available. See the LONGWAVE page.
All reasonable offers will be considered.
Common abbreviations used when dealing with fluorescent minerals.
NF-Non fluorescent
Always use safety glasses to ptotect your eyes when using SHORT WAVE UV |
A true classic!
Very collectable fluorescent green Adamite and non fluorescent Calcite from a
world famous location.
From Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.
Specimen is 1 3/4" x 2" x 3"
Item code: adam1001 $20.00
A true classic!
Very collectable fluorescent bright green Adamite and non fluorescent
Calcite from a world famous mine. Light greenish-yellow crystals are attractive under natural light and
very fluorescent under short wave.
From Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.
Specimen is 1/2" x 1 1/4" x 2"
Item code: adam1004 $15.00
Unusual bright magenta-pink shortwave fluorescence makes this a real stand out specimen. Also
fluorescent under longwave, slightly less intense. Medium cabinet size from the Kipawa River, Villedieu Township,
Quebec, Canada.
Specimen is 1" x 2" x 2 3/4"
Item Code: agr1003 $20.00
Agrellite and Eudialyte
Unusual bright magenta-pink shortwave fluorescence Agrellite and red (NF) Eudialyte makes this
a real stand out specimen. Some minor Thorite is visible. Medium cabinet size from the Kipawa River, Villedieu
Township, Quebec, Canada.
Specimen is 1 1/4" x 1 3/4" x 3 5/8"
Item Code: agr1005 $35.00
Agrellite and Eudialyte
Unusual bright magenta-pink shortwave fluorescent Agrellite and red (NF) Eudialyte makes
this a real stand out specimen. There are several crystals of Eudialyte that are almost gem quality. Some Thorite is
also present. Agrellite is also fluorescent under long wave. Large cabinet size from the Kipawa River, Villedieu
Township, Quebec, Canada.
Specimen is 2 1/2" x 3" x 4"
Item Code: agr1007 $60.00
Top picture is under short wave, middle picture is under long wave.
Exquisite centerpiece Calcite crystal cluster that fluoresces a bright red under short
wave and hot pink under long wave. Choice cabinet size specimen was hand picked from a lot of about 100. From Irai, Rio
Grande Du Sur, Brazil
Specimen is 2 1/2" x 2 3/4" x 3"
Item Code: calbz1001 $60.00
Long Lake Zinc Mine
Specimens from this location exhibit the following SW color response:
Calcite - Red
Humite - Yellow
Diopside - Blue
Aragonite - White and Pink
Hydrozincite - Sky Blue
Yellow Humite, red Calcite, pink Aragonite and sky blue Hydrozincite combination. There are also
some NF Pyrite crystals in the matrix.
Long Lake Zinc Mine
Olden Township, Frontenac Co., Ontario, Canada
Specimen is 1.60" x 1.60" x 3"
Item Code: lola1005 $40.00
Red Calcite, yellow Humite, pink and white Aragonite and sky blue
Hydrozincite make this a very interesting specimen.
Long Lake Zinc Mine
Olden Township, Frontenac Co., Ontario, Canada
Specimen is 1.25" x 2" x 2.75"
Item Code: lola1013 $25.00
Red Calcite, pink and white Aragonite, yellow Humite and blue Diopside
choice five color combination. Pink Aragonite is a "peach" color under Longwave. Some minor NF sulfides in matrix.
Long Lake Zinc Mine
Olden Township, Frontenac Co., Ontario, Canada
Specimen is 0.85" x 2.10" x 4"
Item Code: lola1011 $50.00
Red Calcite, pink and white Aragonite, yellow Humite and sky blue
Hydrozincite. Choice five color specimen with some small NF pyrite crystals in matrix. Pink Aragonite is a "peach"
color under Longwave.
Long Lake Zinc Mine
Olden Township, Frontenac Co., Ontario, Canada
Specimen is 2" x 3" x 3.75"
Item Code: lola1014 $65.00
The specimens listed below were excavated
by Mineralman at the
White Knob Quarry, Lucerne Valley, Mojave Desert region,
San Bernardino County, CA.
The minerals in these specimens from
the White Knob Quarry exhibit the following Fluorescent
color response:
- Aragonite- White, Gray, Blue and phosphorescent
- Calcite- Red
- Hyalite Opal-Green
- Wollastonite- Yellow
- Unknown- Magenta / purple
Calcite, Wollastonite and Aragonite
Bright pinkish-red CALCITE, yellow WOLLASTONITE and blue ARAGONITE. Outstanding specimen is
sure to please the most avid collector.
Large cabinet size specimen is
1 3/8" x 4 3/4" x 5 1/2"
White Knob Quarry, Lucerne Valley, Mojave Desert region,
San Bernardino County, CA.
Item Code: WK1034 $ 60.00
Calcite, Fluorite and Willemite
Outstanding color contrast with red Calcite, blue Fluorite(LW & SW) and whitish veins of
Willemite (phosphorescent green). Individually these minerals are common but when blended by natural processes they
make a striking statement in a display. Beautiful specimens like these are in short supply. Add one of these classics
to your collection while they are available. Large size cabinet specimen from the Castle Dome Mountains, Yuma
County, Arizona
1.75" x 3.25" x 4.5"
Item Code: casdm 1007 $40.00
Calcite, Fluorite and Willemite
Outstanding color contrast with red Calcite, blue Fluorite (LW & SW) and whitish veins
of Willemite (phosphorescent green) . Individually these minerals are common but when blended by natural processes they
make a striking statement in a display. Beautiful specimens like these are in short supply. Add one of these classics
to your collection while they are available. Medium size cabinet specimen from the Castle Dome Mountains, Yuma County,
1.5" x 2" x 2.5"
Item Code: casdm 1008 $25.00
Calcite, Fluorite and Willemite
Outstanding color contrast with red Calcite crystals, blue Fluorite (LW & SW) and whitish
veins of Willemite (phosphorescent green ). Individually these minerals are common but when blended by natural processes they
make a striking statement in a display. Beautiful specimens like these are in short supply. Add one of these classics
to your collection while they are available. Small size cabinet specimen from the Castle Dome Mountains, Yuma
County, Arizona
1.25" x 1.5" x 1.65"
Item Code: casdm 1009 $20.00
Calcite, Fluorite and Willemite
Outstanding color contrast with red Calcite, blue Fluorite (LW & SW) and whitish veins of Willemite
(phosphorescent green). Individually these minerals are common but when blended by natural processes they make a
striking statement in a display. Beautiful specimens like these are in short supply. Add one of these classics to your
collection while they are available. Medium size cabinet specimen from the Castle Dome Mountains, Yuma County, Arizona
1.75" x 2" x 2"
Item Code: casdm 1010 $25.00
Calcite, Fluorite and Willemite
Outstanding color contrast with red Calcite crystals, blue Fluorite (LW & SW) and whitish Willemite.
Interesting bands of phosphorescent green and white Willemite. Individually these minerals are common but when blended
by natural processes they make a striking statement in a display. Beautiful specimens like these are in short supply. Add
one of these classics to your collection while they are available. Medium size cabinet specimen from the Castle Dome
Mountains, Yuma County, Arizona
1.5" x 1.85" x 3"
Item Code: casdm 1011 $30.00
Purple Passion Mine, Wickenburg, Arizona
OUTSTANDING!! Blend of shortwave fluorescent
minerals. Vivid red Calcite, green and white Willemite
(phosphorescent!) deep blue Fluorite and white Aragonite
(phosphorescent!) make these top shelf four color specimens!
Be sure to add one of these mine fresh unique specimens to your collection while
they are available!
Specimens are from the August 2009 "Big Dig" at the Purple
Passion Mine, Wickenburg, Arizona.
Specimen is 2.5" x 4.4" x 5.9"
Item Code: pur1022 $70.00
INCREDIBLE !! Blend of shortwave fluorescent
minerals. Vivid red Calcite, green and white Willemite
(phosphorescent!) deep blue Fluorite and white Aragonite
(phosphorescent!) make these top shelf four (or more) color specimens!
The intriguing blend of colors from one mineral to the next actually creates different hues and colors.
A limited number of these unusual "kaleidoscope" type specimens
were found by myself and another collector on the last night of the dig. Everyone else had left for the night. We stayed since
in the morning, the mine was to be backfilled. These "kaleidoscope" specimens came from that deepest exposed level.
Be sure to add one of these unique mine fresh specimens to your
collection while they are available!
Specimens are from the August 2009 "Big Dig" at the Purple Passion
Mine, Wickenburg, Arizona.
Specimen is 2" x 3" x 4.25"
Item Code: pur1017 $80.00
OUTSTANDING!! Blend of shortwave fluorescent
minerals. Vivid red Calcite, green and white Willemite
(phosphorescent!) deep blue Fluorite and white Aragonite
(phosphorescent!) make these top shelf four color specimens!
Be sure to add one of these unique mine fresh specimens to your collection while
they are available! Specimens are from
the August 2009 "Big Dig" at the Purple Passion Mine, Wickenburg, Arizona.
Specimen is 2" x 3" x 4.25"
Item Code: pur1024 $ 35.00
OUTSTANDING!! Blend of shortwave fluorescent
minerals. Vivid red Calcite, green and white Willemite
(phosphorescent!) deep blue Fluorite and white Aragonite
(phosphorescent!) make these top shelf four color specimens!
Be sure to add one of these unique mine fresh specimens to your collection while
they are available!
Specimens are from the August 2009 "Big Dig" at the Purple Passion
Mine, Wickenburg, Arizona.
Large cabinet size specimen is 2.8" x 4.65" x 7.25"
Item Code: pur1025 $85.00
OUTSTANDING!! Blend of shortwave fluorescent
minerals. Vivid red Calcite, green and white Willemite
(phosphorescent!) deep blue Fluorite and white Aragonite
(phosphorescent!) make these top shelf four color specimens!
Be sure to add one of these unique mine fresh specimens to your collection while
they are available!
Specimens are from the August 2009 "Big Dig" at the Purple
Passion Mine, Wickenburg, Arizona.
Specimen is 1.75" x 3.25" x 4.5"
Item Code: pur1028 $60.00
INCREDIBLE !! Blend of shortwave fluorescent
minerals. Vivid red Calcite, green and white Willemite
(phosphorescent!) deep blue Fluorite and white Aragonite
(phosphorescent!) make these top shelf four (or more) color specimens!
The intriguing blend of colors from one mineral to the next actually creates different hues and colors.
A limited number of these unusual "kaleidoscope" type specimens
were found by myself and another collector on the last night of the dig. Everyone else had left for the night. We stayed since
in the morning, the mine was to be backfilled. These "kaleidoscope" specimens came from that deepest exposed level.
Be sure to add one of these unique mine fresh specimens to your
collection while they are available!
Specimens are from the August 2009 "Big Dig" at the Purple Passion
Mine, Wickenburg, Arizona.
Specimen is 2.75" x 3.75" x 4.5"
Item Code: pur1026 $100.00
OUTSTANDING!! Blend of shortwave fluorescent
minerals. Vivid red Calcite, green and white Willemite
(phosphorescent!) deep blue Fluorite and white Aragonite
(phosphorescent!) make these top shelf four color specimens! Be sure to add one of these unique specimens to your collection while they are available!
Specimens are from the August 2009 "Big Dig" at the Purple
Passion Mine, Wickenburg, Arizona.
Specimen is 2" x 2.75" x 5"
Item Code: pur1027 $65.00
Miller Canyon, Huachuca Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona
Super bright shortwave fluorescent red/ orange CALCITE, green
WILLEMITE and blue -white HYDROZINCITE! Outstanding three color plus rare location makes this a real top shelf keeper!
Willemite in this specimen is also PHOSPHORESCENT! This very rare and extremely remote location
is noted as a producer of fluorescent minerals that rival Franklin, New Jersey in brightness and color. Refer
to "FLUORESCENCE Gems and Minerals Under Ultraviolet Light" by Manuel Robbins, pages 17, 204 and 213. This may
be the last opportunity to acquire one of these remarkable beauties. The hillside outcrop where these specimens come from
is played out and due to Federal regulations, nothing but nonmechanized hand tools are permitted for collecting or traveling
to the site. All collecting equipment and specimens have to be carried out in backpacks for several miles over dangerous
terrain and steep elevation changes. From Miller Canyon, Huachuca Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona. Specimen
is a very large cabinet size. 2.5" x 5.5" x 5.75" Note coin for size reference.
Item Code: mcan1014 $ 150.00
The minerals in these specimens from The Princess Pat Mine exhibit the following fluorescent
color response:
- Aragonite- Cream and highly Phosphorescent or Blue and not phosphorescent
- Calcite- Red
- Caliche- Orange
- Hyalite Opal- Green
- Powellite- Yellow
- Scheelite- Blue/White
Hyalite, Scheelite and Aragonite
Three vivid colors enhance this outstanding specimen. Bright green Hyalite is a beautiful
contrast to the white Scheelite and blue Aragonite.
A small cabinet size at
1" x 1 1/2" x 2"
From The Princess Pat Mine, San Bernardino Co., CA.
Item Code: pp1033 SOLD
Choice large undamaged FLUORAPATITE crystal nestled next to Aquamarine crystals in
a bed of Muscovite matrix. FLUORAPATITE is a bright lemon-yellow under shortwave UV and orange
under longwave UV. Large cabinet size specimen is 2" x 4" x 4.75". FLUORAPATITE crystal is 3/4". Two smaller FLUORAPATITE
crystals adorn this piece.
From Shigar Valley, Haramosh mountains, Gilgit, Pakistan.
Item code: fap1001 $ 350.00
Choice FLUORAPATITE crystal with very little matrix. FLUORAPATITE is a bright lemon-yellow
under shortwave UV and orange under longwave UV. FLUORAPATITE crystal is 1/2" x 1/2" x 3/4".
From Shigar Valley, Haramosh mountains, Gilgit, Pakistan.
Item code: fap1006 $ 50.00
(619) 668-9188
P.O. Box 139 Spring Valley,CA. 91976
U.S.A. Only
Thank you for visiting, come back again soon.
All pictures on this web site are the property of Darwin Warriner aka Mineralman and
can not be used with out prior permission.
Contact me in writing if you wish to copy or use any pictures on this web site.